Monday, April 29, 2013

The Truth Hurts! But...Diet Sodas are BAD FOR YOU

I shed a tear every time I see someone gulping down a diet soda.  I really do.  Why?  Because they are bad for you!  Ask yourself... how is it possible that a diet soda can taste sweet, ALMOST like the real thing, and have ZERO CALORIES?  Nothing should have ZERO calories except water.  The fact that a diet soda has flavor and is zero calories tells you that something is up.  Something UNNATURAL.  And sadly, many will read this and still won't care.

Let me try again.  Do you know why diet sodas can still taste sweet and have zero calories?  Well, that's because food scientists have invented artificial sweeteners that will sweeten without the calories.  These artificial sweeteners are not natural, but instead are a combination of chemicals.  Artificial sweeteners come in a bunch of different names:  aspartame (i.e Sweet 'n Low), sucralose (i.e. Splenda), acesulfame potassium, saccharin, cyclamate, etc.  But they are all man-made.  And these may even be carcinogenic, as in, they may cause cancer.

Still not enough?  Wait, there's more.  Diet sodas are commonly a staple of a dieter's diet, a way to indulge without the calories and still lose weight.  But studies have shown that those who drink diet sodas are not losing extra weight.  In fact, studies show that the risk of type II diabetes, obesity, and other issues increases for those who consume diet soda regularly.  Additionally, I was told by a nutritionist once that artificial sweeteners are essentially toxins to your body that your liver has to eliminate.  But since the liver can only break down those toxins at a slow rate, excess toxins are stored in your lymph nodes, which causes water retention in all the wrong places (think stomach, hips, under arms, anywhere prone to "flab").  Side bar: If you are not able to lose weight in stubborn areas, you may want to look at your intake of artificial sweeteners.

How many people do you know who have lost weight simply by switching from regular soda to diet soda?  Probably not many.  That's because switching to diet soda without making a lifestyle change (exercising more... eating better) is futile.

If you want to save calories and support weight loss, drink water.  And lots of it.

Water is the best thing for you.  And it's the only safe, natural zero-calorie beverage that was not created in a lab.

Don't fall for these SHORT CUTS.  There is no substitute for good 'ole exercise and nutrition.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Resist the Urge to Partake, and Lose Weight...

It's almost bikini season (well, in the South it is at least), and exercise/dieting regimens are in full swing.  I personally pick it up around this time of year to get things right and tight before hitting the beach (or pool in my case).  Whatever your reason, if you are trying to lose weight and aren't getting the results you want... may want to consider cutting out drinking for a while!

That's right, I said it.  Stop drinking.  If you really want to lose weight, say no to the mixed drinks and beer, and drink water.  Alcohol is full of empty carbs and calories, and can deny or dramatically slow your weight loss goals.  I think I've quizzed you on this before, but do you know how many calories you need to burn to lose a pound?  3,500!  Here's a new question:  How many calories are in a long island mixed drink?  More than you think.  Check these astonishing numbers...

  • Long Island:  520 calories
  • Strawberry Daiquiri:  280 calories
  • Margarita:  550 calories

(Might as well get a meal at McDonald's!  Read this article)

A Saturday night out drinking with friends could cost you BIG.  If you give it up for a month or two while you go hard on the workouts and nutrition, you can more quickly reach your goals.  Losing weight is hard work... It's a sacrifice, but to me, it's worth it.

And if this approach is too radical for you, then consider at least drinking SMARTER (i.e. drink less, drink light).  You could opt for one vodka + pineapple for ~180 calories.  But drinks add up, so beware.  Maybe you add back in SMARTER drinking to the routine once you either reach or near your weight goal.  Just a thought.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Don't Believe the Hype... Good Food CAN Be Healthy!

"They" say that we should eat for sustenance, not for enjoyment.  Food is a necessity, not a pleasure, and we should eat only to stay alive.  Yea right!  I find this mantra both depressing and unrealistic.  The reality is that food is not just a necessity, but an experience.  For thousands of years, breaking bread with family and friends has been a common pastime.

We, as a people, love good food and love to eat out... Fact!  

But, when did good food become synonymous with unhealthy, calorie-dense, and fatty?  Well, I DO know that making something "tasty", or adding sugar, fat, salt, and all of nature's delectable goodies that appeal to our taste buds, is easy and ideal.  A Krispy Kreme with the "hot" light illuminated will sell donuts like hot cakes.  Fried in oil and coated in a sugary glaze, most can't get enough of these things (including me). Despite being a whopping 160 calories a pop, you can't eat just one.  I mean, they practically melt in your mouth.

But I also DO know that everything that tastes good is not good for me, and as such, those things must be consumed in moderation.  Things like donuts fall in that category and should be rare treats.  I can't eat donuts everyday or even every week, but once in a while, I'll treat myself to one (or two).  And in between those whiles, I fill my diet up with healthy alternatives that are kinder to my body but still taste good.  That's the way it should be, moderating consumption of unhealthy foods and promoting a healthier lifestyle.

Healthy food is not as tasty and is more expensive than unhealthy food... Fiction!

Just as good food is often associated with being unhealthy, healthy food is labelled as tasteless and expensive.  But the fact is, you can choose to oven bake your fish as opposed to frying it, with no additional cost, and still eat WELL.  Food companies have also exploited "healthy" as another marketing scheme, marring the affordability of healthier food alternatives.  Sure, if you decide you are only eating Healthy Choice dinners, then you will pay a premium.  But what you are paying for is the convenience, not the food.  Buying skinless chicken breasts and fresh vegetables to cook is no more expensive than buying a 10 piece wing and fries (click here for an article from Huffington Post on this...).

Eating healthy is a conscious choice YOU must make for yourself... Fact!

No one is saying you have to eat lettuce with no dressing and bland chicken breasts to be healthy. You can easily (and economically) make better eating choices, but you have to be willing to do so.  It takes effort, but it's worth it!