Monday, April 22, 2013

Resist the Urge to Partake, and Lose Weight...

It's almost bikini season (well, in the South it is at least), and exercise/dieting regimens are in full swing.  I personally pick it up around this time of year to get things right and tight before hitting the beach (or pool in my case).  Whatever your reason, if you are trying to lose weight and aren't getting the results you want... may want to consider cutting out drinking for a while!

That's right, I said it.  Stop drinking.  If you really want to lose weight, say no to the mixed drinks and beer, and drink water.  Alcohol is full of empty carbs and calories, and can deny or dramatically slow your weight loss goals.  I think I've quizzed you on this before, but do you know how many calories you need to burn to lose a pound?  3,500!  Here's a new question:  How many calories are in a long island mixed drink?  More than you think.  Check these astonishing numbers...

  • Long Island:  520 calories
  • Strawberry Daiquiri:  280 calories
  • Margarita:  550 calories

(Might as well get a meal at McDonald's!  Read this article)

A Saturday night out drinking with friends could cost you BIG.  If you give it up for a month or two while you go hard on the workouts and nutrition, you can more quickly reach your goals.  Losing weight is hard work... It's a sacrifice, but to me, it's worth it.

And if this approach is too radical for you, then consider at least drinking SMARTER (i.e. drink less, drink light).  You could opt for one vodka + pineapple for ~180 calories.  But drinks add up, so beware.  Maybe you add back in SMARTER drinking to the routine once you either reach or near your weight goal.  Just a thought.


  1. Great post.I feel the most pressure to drink at work events. I had one over opinionated senior executive tell me he doesn't trust someone that doesn't drink. You could assume what I wanted to say back but I kept it to myself. Recently I've tried drinking water or one glass of red wine when out at work events.
    FYI - We have way roo many work events

  2. Yea, same here! When I'm at a work happy hour and choose not to drink, my colleagues look at me like I have the plague -___- Sometimes I cave in and order something "lighter" like a beer or skinny margarita. But what I've learned to accept is, the American culture is to indulge and that doesn't always support my lifestyle choices! So we may be on our own until we recruit more to our side, lol.
