Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Nutrition Tips: Eat This, Not That! Healthy Ingredient Substitutions

(It's been a while since my last post.  Adult life has a nasty habit of getting in the way of the things I enjoy!  But I digress. Before I start rambling, I'd like to thank a good friend of mine who inspired today's blog post (and by inspired, I mean masterminded). Thank you lots!)

If you've read any of my previous blog posts, the next thing I say will be of no surprise to you.  Nutrition is more important than exercise!  It's not rocket science.  But let me offer two bonafide examples to drive the point home.  
  • First, when it comes to weight loss, overeating can cancel out any calories you've burned off during exercise.  After all, it's much easier to eat a 1,000 calorie Zaxby's Chicken Finger Plate and drink a 600 calorie Birthday Cake Remix milkshake than to run for 2.5 hours (which is just about what it would take to burn off that 1,600 calorie meal).  And I don't know anyone who runs for 2.5 hours a day, except maybe professional athletes.  
  • Second, when it comes to overall fitness (if weight loss is not your primary goal), eating the wrong types of foods can cancel out your workouts and halt your progress.  Bodybuilders eat clean for a reason.  Protein and complex carbohydrates (like wheat) fuel their muscles.  Sugar, enriched flour, and processed foods don't.  You can pump iron all you want, but if you are still eating a ton of sugar, artificial sweeteners and CRAP, then you likely still won't see mass gains or lose weight in those problem areas.
Conclusion?  EAT SMARTER!  A little trick I've learned over the years is "food substitution".  There are basics that everyone should know, like wheat bread for white bread, water for fruit juices and carbonated beverages, and brown rice for white rice.  Another good one is cooking spray for oil, which can be a huge calorie and saturated fat saver.  In addition to these "staples", there are a few surprising food substitutions that you may find useful.  Check them out:
  1. Eggs --> Egg Whites - One egg contains 70 calories and a ton of cholesterol. But the egg white alone is only 25 calories while containing most of the egg's protein.  Try substituting eggs whites for your eggs during breakfast, or two egg whites for every egg in your favorite baked good recipe. 
  2. Seasoning Salt --> Salt-Free Seasoning - High sodium intake is never a good idea.  Try a salt-free seasoning like Mrs. Dash Onion & Herb Salt-Free Seasoning to add flavor to your foods without the sodium. 
  3. Sugar --> Mashed Banana - This is a wonderful idea (thanks again friend!) to add flavor and potassium to your oatmeal. Mix in a mashed banana, and leave the sugar at the supermarket.  
  4. Mayonnaise --> Greek Yogurt - Greek yogurt is thicker than regular yogurt and also contains more protein, which helps to keep you full longer.  Try substituting it for mayonnaise the next time you make a batch of tuna or chicken salad.  
  5. Mayonnaise --> Avocado - Avocados are full of healthy fats and vitamins, so try topping your next sandwich with an avocado instead of processed mayonnaise for added flavor and nutrition. 
  6. Oil or Butter --> Applesauce - If a baked dessert recipe calls for oil or butter, try applesauce instead.  This is a nifty little trick to lighten up your baked goods!  
  7. Butter --> Coconut Oil - Butter is a common choice for sauteeing vegetables.  But it is high in sodium and saturated fat.  Try coconut oil instead as a healthier choice (Hint:  It also adds a nice flavor to the veggies).  Even Dr. Oz says so! (Read what he says here)  
  8. Artificial Sweeteners or Sugar --> Honey - Artificial sweeteners are toxins to your body.  They are not a healthy substitute for sugar, so avoid them.  Sucralose, Aspartame, Acesulfame Potassium... ALL BAD (Read my previous article here).  Try natural honey instead.  
It's all about making smart, informed decisions.  Hopefully this helps someone!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the suggestions B! I will def try these in the kitchen! All i need now are ideas for healthy meal planning! *next blog topic*
