Tuesday, February 12, 2013

What They DON'T Tell You About Protein Powder

Protein powder is a good way to feed your muscles the protein and amino acids they need to rebuild after a weight lifting workout.  There are a number of types of protein powder out there, such as whey, casein, soy (the "type" is based on the source of the protein, such as cow's milk versus soybeans).  This can make choosing a protein powder a seemingly daunting task.  And even when you settle on the type, you still have a zillion brands to choose from!  There are different flavors, and some are mixed with different supplements, and this can also complicate your decision. 

Despite all of these variations, MOST (not all) protein powders have one thing in common:  they contain artificial sweeteners!  

Here is the thing.  Anything that is sweet but low in calories and carbohydrates is more than likely sweetened with an artificial sweetener such as aspartame, sucralose, or acesulfame potassium.  I personally try to stay clear of all artificial sweeteners (and sugars for that matter).  Studies have shown that artifical sweeteners actually behave as toxins in your body and can lead to water retention and fat retention in those trouble areas.  Recent researchers have also challenged the safety of artificial sweetener consumption, especially in large quantities. 

Have you ever looked at the list of ingredients on the back of your protein powder bottle?  The first time I did this, I realized I had NO IDEA WHAT I WAS DRINKING!  Personally, I opt for 100% whey protein powder after a lifting workout for optimal muscle recovery.  Although the bottle of protein powder I had said "100% Whey", there were a bunch of added ingredients I had never heard of.  This prompted me to begin a long search for an all-natural (truly) 100% whey protein powder.  And it took a while, and a bit of research.

As a result of my search, I found Optimum Nutrition's Natural 100% Whey Gold Standard protein powder!  This protein powder contains no artifical flavors or sweeteners, and is truly the purest brand of whey protein I have come across to date.  Love it!  And since it is free of additional additives, it is also low on calories (one scoop yields 24 grams of protein and is only 130 kcals!)  It can be purchased at Vitamin Shoppe, or on their website:  http://www.optimumnutrition.com/products/natural-100-whey-gold-standard-p-202.html

Know what you are putting in your body! 

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