Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Why You Should Consider Morning Workouts

I absolutely LOVE working out in the morning! Yes, there are days I would rather sleep in. No, it isn't always easy to drag myself out of the bed. BUT, I never regret it. Here's why...

1. It gets my metabolism going - Exercise burns calories - during and after you workout. By starting the day with exercise, you are revving up your metabolism early in the day.
2. It helps keep me focused - I have found that I am far more likely to make healthy eating choices when I start the day with a workout. If I'm waking up early (4:30 for me), it should absolutely count! Bad eating choices during the day will cancel out my hard work, so I make better choices!
3. There are fewer excuses first thing in the morning - By the end of the day, we can all come up with a million excuses why we shouldn't exercise. :-) In the morning, there are simply fewer.

So what if you honestly can't get your workout complete in the morning? Well here are a few tips to help you reap the same benefits.

1. Do a short morning workout. When I don't have time to workout in the morning (or if I hit snooze too many times to make it to the gym), I do a 5-10 minute workout just to get my day going. I'll throw in stuff like jumping jacks, jogging in place, squats, sit-ups, burpees, mountain climbers, etc
2. Split your workout.  Some days I do my cardio or my lifting in the morning & then do the other half after work. Or if it's a day when I am trying to get a lot of cardio in - I'll do half in the morning & half later.
3. Don't commit to it EVERY day! Be realistic! Waking up early every day might not be realistic for you. If that's the case, just commit to 2 or 3 days per week & stick to it.

But in all fairness, the best time to work out is whenever you will actually do it!
 It's different for everyone! 

When do you workout? Why? 

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