Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Are Organic Fruits & Veggies Worth the Extra $$?

Today I found an interesting article on iVillage about the top 12 fruits and veggies with the highest level of pesticide pollution (read full article here).  I know that organic fruits and veggies are healthier because they are grown and harvested without man-made chemicals, but I always figured that the REGULAR (cheaper) fruits and veggies weren't so bad.  I mean, everything causes cancer these days, right?  Plus, organic fruits and veggies are muy expensivo and I wasn't trying to break the bank!

BUT... after reading this article, I think I've had a change of heart.  Apparently, ALL of the fruits and veggies I love and consume on a daily basis (blueberries, peaches, apples, grapes) are ridden with pesticides!  Yuck.com.

I think my conclusion is, obviously fruits and veggies are still preferred over process junk.  But if you can swing organics, at least try to...

go organic for fruits/veggies where you consume the skin. 

This is what I call "going organic on a budget".  Things that the article highlights, like celery, grapes, strawberries, spinach, peaches, all have soft exteriors and/or you eat the whole fruit/vegetable.  But things like oranges and mangoes, which grown on trees away from pests and have an inedible exterior, you may be able to get away with.  

Don't know about you, but I'm putting this theory into practice, starting today.  Maybe if we all increase the quantity demanded of organic fruits and veggies, the price will go down.  Isn't that the law of demand?  (Don't hold me to that... it's been a while since college).

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