Monday, May 13, 2013

New Find! McDonald's Egg White Delight McMuffin

This morning, in a bit of a rush to make my flight, I didn't quite have time to eat a proper breakfast.  But once I reached the terminal, I decided to give McDonald's a try.  After all, it IS possible to eat healthy(ER) at Micky D's on the road (read my other article here).

To my surprise, there was a new menu item, the "Egg White Delight McMuffin", on the menu.  Boasting 250 calories, I opted for it and surprisingly, it wasn't that bad!  I didn't expect there to be much flavor (or ANY meat) at only 250 calories.  But the egg, white cheddar and Canadian bacon combo on the english muffin was actually pretty good!

In researching, this thing is actually not bad at all.  18 grams of protein, 5 grams of fiber, and low sugar.  The sodium is pretty high, which is something you are unlikely to avoid for fast food, but overall a pretty good choice.  I'm a fan.

     McDonald's Egg White Delight McMuffin
     250 calories
     18g protein
     7g fat
     32g carbohydrates
     25mg cholesterol
     3g sugars
     800 mg sodium
     5g fiber

Have you tried it?  Leave a comment, let me know.

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