Wednesday, May 29, 2013

You Need a Support System!

Even though I love keeping myself in shape, even I sometimes hit a wall of complacency in my fitness journey.  Even the most motivated person will battle the urge to slack off and be lazy.  For me, it's more of a roller coaster ride.  At times, I'm high up on my motivation curve, and sometimes I'm way down low.  Right now, I'm battling one of those lows.

When I hit a low point, seemingly lacking the willpower to go to the gym and workout, I rely on my network of family and friends who motivate me to get back to it.  It's important to surround yourself with people who share your fitness goals, because those people can build you up and support you through the difficult times.  For me, when I feel like LIFE is so overwhelming that I have no time (or desire) to fit in the gym, I reach out to my supporters.  A good supporter will never allow you to have a pity party and sacrifice your personal goals and progress for something trivial (and the people in my corner don't disappoint!).  

Sometimes all I need is to read an inspiring Facebook status of a friend meeting her fitness goal, or to receive a text from a friend who is telling me not to give up. I lean on them during times like this, and slowly pull myself out of the trenches and get it back into gear one step at a time.  At the end of the day, trivial work and life stressors are not more important than my personal happiness and well-being!   Now, if I could just seem to remember that on a more consistent basis...

Stay motivated, and get a support system in place for those times when you fall off the wagon!

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