Thursday, May 16, 2013

Nutrition Tips: A Few of My Secrets to Healthier Eating

I don't know about you, but I find it incredibly difficult to eat "well" when dining out!  (By "well", I mean low calorie, high protein)  When I can control and prepare my breakfasts, lunches, and dinners, I can control what I eat.  When I eat out, I always consume more calories than if I would have just eaten at home.   But by preparing my own lean meals, I find I can actually EAT MORE FOOD, and CONSUME LESS CALORIES.

I have developed some secrets to my nutrition (i.e. controlling my calorie intake), and I'm sharing those with you.  Take a look...

TIP #1:  Water!

  • All I drink is water.  It's my secret to saving calories during the day, and it's good for you too.  Even an 8 oz. glass of No Sugar Added Apple Juice is ~120 calories.  I choose to drink water instead, and consume those calories in the form of a lean chicken breast or afternoon snack.  To me, it's worth it. (Drink more water...)

TIP #2:  Green Giant Healthy Vision Veggies + Chicken Breast!

  • This is my dinner on most nights (I'm often short on time).  Green Giant makes a variety of steam-in-the-bag veggies and I am a fan.  The Healthy Vision mix is quite tasty and the entire box is only 90 calories (and filling!)  I probably eat 4 - 5 boxes a week.  A box of these veggies, along with a 4 oz. chicken breast, is only ~210 calories.  Even adding a half cup of brown rice gets me to right around 300 calories.  It's my calorie saving trick!  (Plus, there is no way you are going to be able to BUY a filling meal like this for 300 calories.  No way).

TIP #3:  Green Machine Naked Juice!

  • One of my problems is not getting enough green veggies.  Green Machine Naked Juice is delicious and packed full of dark green leafy veggies and spirulina.  It's like a multivitamin / breakfast smoothie combo.  When I am on the run in the mornings, I'll grab a bottle of this (~280 calories) and just drink that.  Great way to start off my day.  And if I just want a snack, I opt for the Peach Guava + Coconut Water Naked Juice, which is lighter (~200 calories) but still good for me.

TIP #4:  Nature Valley Granola Thins!

  • These things are AMAZING!  One square is only 90 calories, and it is actually pretty darn good at staving off late morning or afternoon hunger.  I keep a couple of these in my purse at all times.  I opt for the peanut butter version, which has a real layer of peanut butter slathered on the back (yum).  There are two other varieties as well: dark chocolate and dark chocolate/peanut butter.  

TIP #5:  Belvita Breakfast Cookies!

  • I love these as well.  At 230 calories a pop, they are a good afternoon snack.  What I love about these is how they keep you satiated for a good two hours.  I eat a pack of the Golden Oat cookies in the afternoon at about 3PM or so, on workout days.  They cure my hunger, but also pack enough carbs to give me fuel for my evening workouts.

Just a few of my deepest secrets ;)  Seriously though, figure out what is right for you.  I aim to eat three meals a day at 350 - 400 calories, and then 2 - 3 snacks (1,600 - 1,800 total net calories per day).  So this is how I do it.

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